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European Commission (EC) -- Production of Quality Coffee in Nepal

The EC will fund technical assistance to help coffee growers and cooperatives in Nepal improve the value chain for Nepalese coffee. Activities should aim to raise the productivity of coffee plantations; introduce organic methods in coffee growing; strengthen farmers' cooperatives and associations; and develop improved branding and marketing systems for coffee. Grants will be approximately €500 thousand. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit organizations in the EU, the European Economic Area, developing countries (including Nepal), and certain international organizations. Reference EuropeAid/152076/DD/ACT/NP. The deadline for proposals is 02 August 2016.

The EC will fund technical assistance to help coffee growers and cooperatives in Nepal improve the value chain for Nepalese coffee. Activities should aim to raise the productivity of coffee plantations; introduce organic methods in coffee growing; strengthen farmers' cooperatives and associations; and develop improved branding and marketing systems for coffee. Grants will be approximately €500 thousand. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit organizations in the EU, the European Economic Area, developing countries (including Nepal), and certain international organizations. Reference EuropeAid/152076/DD/ACT/NP. The deadline for proposals is 02 August 2016.