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Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) -- RONPAKU Fellowships for PhD Students 2017

The RONPAKU fellowships are a program of the JSPS to support students from Asia, the Middle East, and Africa to pursue PhD degrees from Japanese universities. Each fellow submits a research dissertation co-supervised by an advisor in Japan and an advisor in the fellow's home country. The fellows do not pursue doctoral courses in Japan (i.e., dissertation only). RONPAKU will award about 20 fellowships across all subject areas. The application deadline is 24 August 2016 for submissions to RONPAKU from Japanese universities; applicants need to send their documents to their prospective Japanese advisors in advance of this deadline.

The RONPAKU fellowships are a program of the JSPS to support students from Asia, the Middle East, and Africa to pursue PhD degrees from Japanese universities. Each fellow submits a research dissertation co-supervised by an advisor in Japan and an advisor in the fellow's home country. The fellows do not pursue doctoral courses in Japan (i.e., dissertation only). RONPAKU will award about 20 fellowships across all subject areas. The application deadline is 24 August 2016 for submissions to RONPAKU from Japanese universities; applicants need to send their documents to their prospective Japanese advisors in advance of this deadline.