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U.S. Department of State -- Combating Wildlife Trafficking in Tanzania

The U.S. Department of State will fund technical assistance in Tanzania to build the country's institutional capacity to combat wildlife crimes. The program will aim to enhance Tanzania’s legislative frameworks and prosecutorial and judicial capacity to combat wildlife poaching and trafficking. Supported activities may include training, mentoring, and possibly equipment for park rangers, police, prosecutors, other relevant officials, and civil society entities. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit NGOs and educational institutions in the USA and internationally (including Tanzania). The program will make up to five grants from a total budget of US$2 million. Funding Opportunity INL16GR0039-AMETANZANIA-WILDLIFE05192016. The application deadline is 18 July 2016.

The U.S. Department of State will fund technical assistance in Tanzania to build the country's institutional capacity to combat wildlife crimes. The program will aim to enhance Tanzania’s legislative frameworks and prosecutorial and judicial capacity to combat wildlife poaching and trafficking. Supported activities may include training, mentoring, and possibly equipment for park rangers, police, prosecutors, other relevant officials, and civil society entities. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit NGOs and educational institutions in the USA and internationally (including Tanzania). The program will make up to five grants from a total budget of US$2 million. Funding Opportunity INL16GR0039-AMETANZANIA-WILDLIFE05192016. The application deadline is 18 July 2016.