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CRDF Global -- Georgia Biosciences Fellowships 2017

The Georgia Biosciences Fellowship Program provides the opportunity for biological scientists, researchers, and experts in Georgia to spend 3-4 months working alongside counterpart professionals at U.S. universities. The program is open to early-career researchers at Georgia's National Center for Disease Control and Public Health; Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture; and National Food Agency.  Upon their return to Georgia, the fellows will contribute to building programs for infectious disease prevention, diagnostics, research, and surveillance and epidemiological reporting capacity in Georgia. Applicants must hold at least a Bachelor of Science degree; applicants with a Masters of Science or PhD are preferred. The application deadline is 30 June 2016.

The Georgia Biosciences Fellowship Program provides the opportunity for biological scientists, researchers, and experts in Georgia to spend 3-4 months working alongside counterpart professionals at U.S. universities. The program is open to early-career researchers at Georgia's National Center for Disease Control and Public Health; Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture; and National Food Agency.  Upon their return to Georgia, the fellows will contribute to building programs for infectious disease prevention, diagnostics, research, and surveillance and epidemiological reporting capacity in Georgia. Applicants must hold at least a Bachelor of Science degree; applicants with a Masters of Science or PhD are preferred. The application deadline is 30 June 2016.