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Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) -- Research on Energy in Latin America

CAF invites research proposals that analyze the role of energy for sustainable development in Latin America. The themes are: (i) Energy consumption patterns in Latin America, and the challenges of energy self-sufficiency and integration in the region; and (ii) Promotion and use of renewable and clean energy sources, e.g. solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal. Up to four research proposals will be funded, each receiving US$15 thousand. The deadline for proposals (English, Spanish) is 30 June 2016.

CAF invites research proposals that analyze the role of energy for sustainable development in Latin America. The themes are: (i) Energy consumption patterns in Latin America, and the challenges of energy self-sufficiency and integration in the region; and (ii) Promotion and use of renewable and clean energy sources, e.g. solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal. Up to four research proposals will be funded, each receiving US$15 thousand. The deadline for proposals (English, Spanish) is 30 June 2016.