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Foundation Future of the Carbon Market -- 3rd Call for Proposals

The Foundation “Future of the Carbon Market” (Stiftung Zukunft des Kohlenstoffmarktes) promotes a market-based approach at a program level to reduce carbon emissions in developing countries. The Foundation aims to integrate carbon markets into the policy frameworks of host countries as the means to attain long-lasting structural change, with a focus on Least-Developed Countries. Technologies which are already strongly represented in the Foundation’s portfolio, such as cook stoves, will be treated with low priority. The deadline for submitting proposals is 30 August 2015.

The Foundation “Future of the Carbon Market” (Stiftung Zukunft des Kohlenstoffmarktes) promotes a market-based approach at a program level to reduce carbon emissions in developing countries. The Foundation aims to integrate carbon markets into the policy frameworks of host countries as the means to attain long-lasting structural change, with a focus on Least-Developed Countries. Technologies which are already strongly represented in the Foundation’s portfolio, such as cook stoves, will be treated with low priority. The deadline for submitting proposals is 30 August 2015.