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UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) -- Global Challenges Research in Food and Agriculture

The Global Challenges Research Fund is a new 5-year program of UK research to address problems faced by developing countries, with emphasis on health and agriculture. A consortium of BBSRC and other UK research organizations will support multidisciplinary awards for research on Global Agriculture and Food Systems in low and middle-income countries. The awards will focus on early-stage work, with grants up to £600 thousand for projects of 18-36 months. Applications are welcomed from UK research organisations eligible to receive funding from BBSRC. Partners from the developing countries can be included in proposals. The deadline for expressions of interest is 22 June 2016.  

The Global Challenges Research Fund is a new 5-year program of UK research to address problems faced by developing countries, with emphasis on health and agriculture. A consortium of BBSRC and other UK research organizations will support multidisciplinary awards for research on Global Agriculture and Food Systems in low and middle-income countries. The awards will focus on early-stage work, with grants up to £600 thousand for projects of 18-36 months. Applications are welcomed from UK research organisations eligible to receive funding from BBSRC. Partners from the developing countries can be included in proposals. The deadline for expressions of interest is 22 June 2016.