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British Council -- PhD Placement Program, UK and China

The British Council in China sponsors UK and Chinese PhD students and their supervisors to spend three to twelve months (for PhD students) and up to three months (for supervisors) at higher education institutions in China or the UK. The research areas include food and water security, environmental technologies, energy, and others. This opportunity is open to UK and Chinese nationals who are currently enrolled as PhD students at accredited higher education institutions or research institutions in the UK or China, respectively. The application deadline is 20 September 2016.

The British Council in China sponsors UK and Chinese PhD students and their supervisors to spend three to twelve months (for PhD students) and up to three months (for supervisors) at higher education institutions in China or the UK. The research areas include food and water security, environmental technologies, energy, and others. This opportunity is open to UK and Chinese nationals who are currently enrolled as PhD students at accredited higher education institutions or research institutions in the UK or China, respectively. The application deadline is 20 September 2016.