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Research Councils UK -- UK Research Collaboration with Southeast Asia

The Research Councils UK is collaborating with sister research organizations in each of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand to call for proposals under the the UK – Southeast Asia Small-Scale Research Partnerships. Among the several thematic areas is one on the "Energy - Food – Water - Environment Nexus." Applicants are invited to submit bilateral or multilateral proposals comprising eligible researchers from the participating countries. All proposals need to have a UK principal investigator in addition to a principal investigator from one or more of the partner countries. Interdisciplinary collaborations are particularly welcome. The application deadline is 02 August 2016.

The Research Councils UK is collaborating with sister research organizations in each of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand to call for proposals under the the UK – Southeast Asia Small-Scale Research Partnerships. Among the several thematic areas is one on the "Energy - Food – Water - Environment Nexus." Applicants are invited to submit bilateral or multilateral proposals comprising eligible researchers from the participating countries. All proposals need to have a UK principal investigator in addition to a principal investigator from one or more of the partner countries. Interdisciplinary collaborations are particularly welcome. The application deadline is 02 August 2016.