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International Research Grant for PhD and Post-doctoral Students

Young researchers proposing innovative approaches to address the challenges relevant to agriculture, land use and food security are welcome to participate in the Research Grant Competition sponsored by Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition! Research areas may include:

resilient agriculture, land use change and agroecology;

Young researchers proposing innovative approaches to address the challenges relevant to agriculture, land use and food security are welcome to participate in the Research Grant Competition sponsored by Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition! Research areas may include:

  • resilient agriculture, land use change and agroecology;

  • the nexus between climate change, energy and food;

  • sustainable water management;

  • ecosystems and ecosystem management;

  • youth and women's involvement in agriculture
    and other relevant topics.

Areas to consider include: Agriculture; Food security; Poverty reduction/Development

Application deadline:July 27, 2016