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The Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement

This award honors and furthers achievments conferring great benefit upon humanity and in particular in the field of the protection, maintainance and improvement of the environment. The award targets individuals and public or private entities from any country in the world. The nominations have to be done by but not limited to individuals or entities in such fields as biology, geology, chemistry and other disciplines. In order to make a nomination, you have to submit a completed Nomination Form in the English language as well as other necessary documents sending the same by email.

Areas to consider include: Agriculture; Ecology; Land management; Soil science; Poverty reduction/Development

This award honors and furthers achievments conferring great benefit upon humanity and in particular in the field of the protection, maintainance and improvement of the environment. The award targets individuals and public or private entities from any country in the world. The nominations have to be done by but not limited to individuals or entities in such fields as biology, geology, chemistry and other disciplines. In order to make a nomination, you have to submit a completed Nomination Form in the English language as well as other necessary documents sending the same by email.

Areas to consider include: Agriculture; Ecology; Land management; Soil science; Poverty reduction/Development

Application date:September 16, 2016