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African World Heritage Fund (AWFF) -- Call for Proposals 2016

The AWHF provides grants to implement projects and activities which focus on the protection of natural and cultural World Heritage properties in Africa. Projects activities are restricted to heritage sites declared by UNESCO as World Heritage properties. The call is open to government institutions in Africa responsible for World Heritage Sites. The call is also open to international and local NGOs and community groups working in heritage conservation if such applications are endorsed by the country's government authorities responsible for heritage. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 31 August 2016.

The AWHF provides grants to implement projects and activities which focus on the protection of natural and cultural World Heritage properties in Africa. Projects activities are restricted to heritage sites declared by UNESCO as World Heritage properties. The call is open to government institutions in Africa responsible for World Heritage Sites. The call is also open to international and local NGOs and community groups working in heritage conservation if such applications are endorsed by the country's government authorities responsible for heritage. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 31 August 2016.