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Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund -- Biodiversity on Islands of the Western Indian Ocean

The CEPF announces its latest round of funding to conserve biodiversity in the Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot. Small grants (<US$20 thousand) and large grants (<US$200 thousand) are available for conservation projects in Madagascar, Mauritius, and the Seychelles. Eligibility for grants extends to NGOs, community groups, private enterprises, universities, and other civil society organizations.The closing date for letters of inquiry (English, French, Malagasy) is 08 September 2016.

The CEPF announces its latest round of funding to conserve biodiversity in the Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot. Small grants (<US$20 thousand) and large grants (<US$200 thousand) are available for conservation projects in Madagascar, Mauritius, and the Seychelles. Eligibility for grants extends to NGOs, community groups, private enterprises, universities, and other civil society organizations.The closing date for letters of inquiry (English, French, Malagasy) is 08 September 2016.