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British Council -- UK Institutional Links with Partner Countries

The Newton Institutional s support research and innovation collaboration between the UK and partners in any of the following countries: Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam. Subject areas for the collaborative research include agriculture, climate and environment, sustainable energy, water and sanitation, and several others -- varying with each partner country. Proposals are submitted jointly by a principal investigator in the UK with a principal investigator in the partner country. Grants range from £50 thousand to £300 thousand over two years. The deadline for proposals is 19 September 2016.

The Newton Institutional s support research and innovation collaboration between the UK and partners in any of the following countries: Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam. Subject areas for the collaborative research include agriculture, climate and environment, sustainable energy, water and sanitation, and several others -- varying with each partner country. Proposals are submitted jointly by a principal investigator in the UK with a principal investigator in the partner country. Grants range from £50 thousand to £300 thousand over two years. The deadline for proposals is 19 September 2016.