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UK Royal Society -- Newton Advanced Fellowships

Newton Advanced Fellowships provide established international researchers with an opportunity to develop the research strengths and capabilities of their research group through training, collaboration, and reciprocal visits with a partner in the UK. Applicants must have a PhD or equivalent research experience, and hold a permanent or fixed-term contract in an eligible university or research institute for the duration of the project. Awards are currently available for scientists in China, Malaysia, and Mexico. The application deadline is 14 September 2016.

Newton Advanced Fellowships provide established international researchers with an opportunity to develop the research strengths and capabilities of their research group through training, collaboration, and reciprocal visits with a partner in the UK. Applicants must have a PhD or equivalent research experience, and hold a permanent or fixed-term contract in an eligible university or research institute for the duration of the project. Awards are currently available for scientists in China, Malaysia, and Mexico. The application deadline is 14 September 2016.