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British Council -- UK-Russia Institutional Links

Institutional s aims to build research collaboration between the UK and partner countries on subjects of shared interest. This current call is focused on joint UK-Russia research in subject areas that include earth sciences related to natural disasters; agricultural technology; Arctic science; climate change and energy; and several others. Each proposal must have one principal applicant from the UK and one principal applicant from Russia. Grants will range from £100 thousand to £150 thousand over 24 months. The closing date for submissions is 27 September 2016.

Institutional s aims to build research collaboration between the UK and partner countries on subjects of shared interest. This current call is focused on joint UK-Russia research in subject areas that include earth sciences related to natural disasters; agricultural technology; Arctic science; climate change and energy; and several others. Each proposal must have one principal applicant from the UK and one principal applicant from Russia. Grants will range from £100 thousand to £150 thousand over 24 months. The closing date for submissions is 27 September 2016.