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International Council for Science (ICSU) -- Grants on Energy, Health, and Natural Disasters in African Cities

The International Council for Science (ICSU), in collaboration with partner science organizations, offers research grants on the inter-relationships among energy systems, health impacts of air pollution, land use and urban planning, adaptation to climate change, and disaster risks in African urban settings. Grants are up to €90 thousand for two years. Applications are welcome from early-career African scientists having no more than 10 years’ work experience following their PhDs or equivalent research experience. The deadline for pre-proposals is 15 August 2016.

The International Council for Science (ICSU), in collaboration with partner science organizations, offers research grants on the inter-relationships among energy systems, health impacts of air pollution, land use and urban planning, adaptation to climate change, and disaster risks in African urban settings. Grants are up to €90 thousand for two years. Applications are welcome from early-career African scientists having no more than 10 years’ work experience following their PhDs or equivalent research experience. The deadline for pre-proposals is 15 August 2016.