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Foundation Future of the Carbon Market -- Reducing Carbon Emissions in Developing Countries

The Foundation “Future of the Carbon Market” (Stiftung Zukunft des Kohlenstoffmarktes) promotes a market-based approach at a program level to reduce carbon emissions in developing countries. The Foundation aims to integrate carbon markets into the policy frameworks of host countries as the means to attain long-lasting structural change, with a focus on Least-Developed Countries. Project proposals are reviewed continuously throughout the year.

The Foundation “Future of the Carbon Market” (Stiftung Zukunft des Kohlenstoffmarktes) promotes a market-based approach at a program level to reduce carbon emissions in developing countries. The Foundation aims to integrate carbon markets into the policy frameworks of host countries as the means to attain long-lasting structural change, with a focus on Least-Developed Countries. Project proposals are reviewed continuously throughout the year.