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Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) -- Esri Conservation Grant Program

Esri is an international supplier of Geographic Information System (GIS) software, web GIS, and geodatabase management applications. Esri offers free or discounted GIS software, hardware, data, training, and services to support groups and individuals working for social and environmental benefit. Esri's Conservation Grant Program makes GIS grants to non-profit organizations, programs, and individuals active in public service and nature conservation in any country. There are no grant cycles or deadlines.

Esri is an international supplier of Geographic Information System (GIS) software, web GIS, and geodatabase management applications. Esri offers free or discounted GIS software, hardware, data, training, and services to support groups and individuals working for social and environmental benefit. Esri's Conservation Grant Program makes GIS grants to non-profit organizations, programs, and individuals active in public service and nature conservation in any country. There are no grant cycles or deadlines.