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UK Natural Environment Research Council -- Building Resilience to Environmental Hazards

The NERC in coordination with other UK research councils calls for inter-disciplinary research on resilience to natural and man-made environmental hazards in the developing world. The focus is on how to build resilience in relation to both sudden and slow-onset environmental hazards (e.g., land degradation, deforestation, drought, hurricanes, and climate change). The lead applicant must be a UK research organization eligible for funding through NERC. Co-investigators can be researchers in low and middle-income countries, as well as researchers in international research organizations. Awards are expected not to exceed £200 thousand for projects ranging from 3-9 months, and exceptionally up to 12 months. The deadline for submitting proposals is 06 September 2016.

The NERC in coordination with other UK research councils calls for inter-disciplinary research on resilience to natural and man-made environmental hazards in the developing world. The focus is on how to build resilience in relation to both sudden and slow-onset environmental hazards (e.g., land degradation, deforestation, drought, hurricanes, and climate change). The lead applicant must be a UK research organization eligible for funding through NERC. Co-investigators can be researchers in low and middle-income countries, as well as researchers in international research organizations. Awards are expected not to exceed £200 thousand for projects ranging from 3-9 months, and exceptionally up to 12 months. The deadline for submitting proposals is 06 September 2016.