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Agropolis Foundation -- Call for Proposals "Open Science" 2017

The Agropolis Foundation (France) promotes interdisciplinary and integrated plant biology, ecology, and sustainable agriculture addressing development issues in the global North and South. The call for Open Science Research promotes collaborative inquiry on scientific topics involving a range of actors and subjects. Lead applicants for grants should be from any of the research units in the Foundation's scientific network. Scientists from research units or institutions outside of the network can participate as partners. The deadline for submissions is 16 January 2017.

The Agropolis Foundation (France) promotes interdisciplinary and integrated plant biology, ecology, and sustainable agriculture addressing development issues in the global North and South. The call for Open Science Research promotes collaborative inquiry on scientific topics involving a range of actors and subjects. Lead applicants for grants should be from any of the research units in the Foundation's scientific network. Scientists from research units or institutions outside of the network can participate as partners. The deadline for submissions is 16 January 2017.