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Social Science Research Council -- Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa 2016

The Social Science Research Council offers fellowships to support the advancement of social science faculty in Sub-Saharan Africa toward completion of doctoral degrees in topics of peace, security, and development. Past topics have included some related to climate change and land issues. The fellowship supports 9-12 months of PhD dissertation research with grants up to US$15 thousand. Applicants must be citizens of and reside in a Sub-Saharan African country while holding a current faculty position at an accredited college or university in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, or Uganda The application deadline is 13 November 2016.

The Social Science Research Council offers fellowships to support the advancement of social science faculty in Sub-Saharan Africa toward completion of doctoral degrees in topics of peace, security, and development. Past topics have included some related to climate change and land issues. The fellowship supports 9-12 months of PhD dissertation research with grants up to US$15 thousand. Applicants must be citizens of and reside in a Sub-Saharan African country while holding a current faculty position at an accredited college or university in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, or Uganda The application deadline is 13 November 2016.