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International Centre for development oriented Research in Agriculture (ICRA) -- International Courses for Agricultural Professionals 2016-2017

ICRA supports education and capacity strengthening in agriculture and the rural sector in the developing world. Among its forms of engagement, ICRA offers specialized training courses each year. Applications are invited for courses in subjects that include linking research to inclusive development for food security; learning, action research, and outreach; and others. ICRA's courses qualify for NFP/MSP scholarships funded by the Dutch government. Individuals wishing to apply for these scholarships should apply to ICRA before 19 October 2016.

ICRA supports education and capacity strengthening in agriculture and the rural sector in the developing world. Among its forms of engagement, ICRA offers specialized training courses each year. Applications are invited for courses in subjects that include linking research to inclusive development for food security; learning, action research, and outreach; and others. ICRA's courses qualify for NFP/MSP scholarships funded by the Dutch government. Individuals wishing to apply for these scholarships should apply to ICRA before 19 October 2016.