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Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs -- Voice

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is partnering with HIVOS and Oxfam on methods to effectively empower and give voice to marginalized and discriminated people in low- and lower-middle income countries of Africa and Asia. The thematic areas include one for improved governance and access to productive resources (e.g., land and water) and employment. The priority countries are Cambodia, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Philippines, Tanzania, and Uganda. Voice hopes to stimulate learning about the most successful methods of building community empowerment. Applications are invited from legally registered nonprofit civil society organizations and community groups. The applicant (or a consortium member) must be based in Africa or Asia, and operate in one or more of the focus countries. There are four types of grants varying in purpose, amount, and implementation period. The application deadline is 15 October 2016.

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is partnering with HIVOS and Oxfam on methods to effectively empower and give voice to marginalized and discriminated people in low- and lower-middle income countries of Africa and Asia. The thematic areas include one for improved governance and access to productive resources (e.g., land and water) and employment. The priority countries are Cambodia, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Philippines, Tanzania, and Uganda. Voice hopes to stimulate learning about the most successful methods of building community empowerment. Applications are invited from legally registered nonprofit civil society organizations and community groups. The applicant (or a consortium member) must be based in Africa or Asia, and operate in one or more of the focus countries. There are four types of grants varying in purpose, amount, and implementation period. The application deadline is 15 October 2016.