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French Institute for Development Research (IRD) -- Research Program with Ivory Coast

France's IRD is a partner with the Ivory Coast's Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in a program of research (PReSeD-CI 2) on natural products, agriculture, energy and minerals, environmental governance, and other themes in support of sustainable development. Applications are welcome from from Ivory Coast, France, and researchers associated with CAMES (Conseil africain et malgache pour l'enseignement supérieur). The application deadline is 10 October 2016.

France's IRD is a partner with the Ivory Coast's Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in a program of research (PReSeD-CI 2) on natural products, agriculture, energy and minerals, environmental governance, and other themes in support of sustainable development. Applications are welcome from from Ivory Coast, France, and researchers associated with CAMES (Conseil africain et malgache pour l'enseignement supérieur). The application deadline is 10 October 2016.