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Energy and Environment Partnership for Southern and East Africa -- Project of the Year 2016

The EEP will make an award for "EEP Project of the Year 2016." Nominations are invited from current or previously completed EEP S&EA projects. EEP will fund travel, accommodation, and associated costs for one representative of the winning project to present at the African Utility Week / Clean Power Africa in Cape Town (May 2017). The deadline for nominations is 15 September 2016.

The EEP will make an award for "EEP Project of the Year 2016." Nominations are invited from current or previously completed EEP S&EA projects. EEP will fund travel, accommodation, and associated costs for one representative of the winning project to present at the African Utility Week / Clean Power Africa in Cape Town (May 2017). The deadline for nominations is 15 September 2016.