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ICFJ Reporting Contest on Early Childhood Development: Inviting Journalists from Asia, Africa and Latin America

Journalists are invited to apply for IFCJ Reporting Contest on Early Childhood Development, a chance to win a prestigious international study tour as part of a contest to recognize the best stories on early childhood development.

International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) will recognize in-depth, investigative or innovative reporting that has helped raise awareness on issues such as early nutrition, early child care, early education and their impact on a child’s future well-being and contributions to society.

Journalists are invited to apply for IFCJ Reporting Contest on Early Childhood Development, a chance to win a prestigious international study tour as part of a contest to recognize the best stories on early childhood development.

International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) will recognize in-depth, investigative or innovative reporting that has helped raise awareness on issues such as early nutrition, early child care, early education and their impact on a child’s future well-being and contributions to society.


  • best report
  • best visual storytelling
  • best data-driven story


Each winner will receive a cash prize and a week-long trip to the United States to meet with global healthexperts and digital media pioneers.


  • Causes and solutions for malnutrition in children under 5
  • The link between under-5 nutrition and learning ability
  • Quality of health care and/or child care for young children
  • The impact of child poverty and efforts to alleviate it
  • Reproductive health and its impact on child development
  • Latest neuroscience on early child development
  • Power of play and cognitive development
  • Importance of investing in the next generation

Eligibility Criteria

  • The contest is open to journalists from AsiaAfrica and Latin America.
  • The contest is open to print, broadcast and online journalists employed by a media outlet as well as affiliated freelance journalists. Submitted work must have appeared in a media outlet based in one of the regions.

How to Apply

Interested applicants can apply via given website.