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UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council — Research with China and Netherlands on Delta Management

The UK’s EPSRC is a partner with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in the research program “Sustainable Deltas.”  This joint activity focuses on research challenges for sustainable and safe deltas within the broader framework of the water sector.  Thematic areas include water availability, water system analysis, salinisation and desiccation, water governance, and new solutions for passenger and freight transportation in deltas and coastal waters.  The application deadline is 25 October 2016. 

The UK’s EPSRC is a partner with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in the research program “Sustainable Deltas.”  This joint activity focuses on research challenges for sustainable and safe deltas within the broader framework of the water sector.  Thematic areas include water availability, water system analysis, salinisation and desiccation, water governance, and new solutions for passenger and freight transportation in deltas and coastal waters.  The application deadline is 25 October 2016.