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European Commission — Capac?ty Building in the F?eld of Cl?mate Change in Turkey

The EC and the Government of Turkey will co-fund a program to increase public understanding and enhance capacity of Turkish organizations on actions to mitigation and adapt to climate change. One lot of grants is for NGOs in partnerships with local governments and municipalities (maximum grant is €50 thousand, varying with cost shares), while the other lot is for metropolitan municipalities (maximum grant is €200 thousand, varying with cost shares). The deadline for concept notes is 14 November 2016. Reference EuropeAid/138406/ID/ACT/TR. Link

The EC and the Government of Turkey will co-fund a program to increase public understanding and enhance capacity of Turkish organizations on actions to mitigation and adapt to climate change. One lot of grants is for NGOs in partnerships with local governments and municipalities (maximum grant is €50 thousand, varying with cost shares), while the other lot is for metropolitan municipalities (maximum grant is €200 thousand, varying with cost shares). The deadline for concept notes is 14 November 2016. Reference EuropeAid/138406/ID/ACT/TR. Link