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Global Nature Fund — Living Lakes Network

Living Lakes is a global network of partnership organizations to protect lakes, wetlands, and other freshwater sources and their catchment areas. The network takes an ecosystems approach to include biodiversity conservation and support for local livelihoods, e.g., in agriculture, fisheries, tourism, etc.  Living Lakes does not make project grants, but it offers network assistance to members. Members are able to include their projects and proposals in the Living Lakes portfolio for the attention of potential donors and sponsors. Members may also apply for assistance to participate in the meetings, workshops, and conferences of Living Lakes — and to seek other forms of networking and training support. Applications can be submitted at any time. Link

Living Lakes is a global network of partnership organizations to protect lakes, wetlands, and other freshwater sources and their catchment areas. The network takes an ecosystems approach to include biodiversity conservation and support for local livelihoods, e.g., in agriculture, fisheries, tourism, etc.  Living Lakes does not make project grants, but it offers network assistance to members. Members are able to include their projects and proposals in the Living Lakes portfolio for the attention of potential donors and sponsors. Members may also apply for assistance to participate in the meetings, workshops, and conferences of Living Lakes — and to seek other forms of networking and training support. Applications can be submitted at any time. Link