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The Nature Conservancy — NatureNet Science Fellows 2017

The Nature Conservancy invites applications for the NatureNet Science Fellows program. This is a trans-disciplinary postdoctoral fellowship program of worldwide scope in partnership with several U.S. universities that represent traditional and non-traditional disciplines relevant to conservation science. Fellows will work with a Nature Conservancy mentor and a hosting senior scholar(s) at one of the partner universities to develop a research program on halting and/or adapting to climate change. Each fellow will receive US$50 thousand per year, plus travel funding and a research budget. The postdoctoral position is expected to run for two consecutive years. The application deadline is 30 November 2016. Link

The Nature Conservancy invites applications for the NatureNet Science Fellows program. This is a trans-disciplinary postdoctoral fellowship program of worldwide scope in partnership with several U.S. universities that represent traditional and non-traditional disciplines relevant to conservation science. Fellows will work with a Nature Conservancy mentor and a hosting senior scholar(s) at one of the partner universities to develop a research program on halting and/or adapting to climate change. Each fellow will receive US$50 thousand per year, plus travel funding and a research budget. The postdoctoral position is expected to run for two consecutive years. The application deadline is 30 November 2016. Link