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Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in Bolivia

The CEPF invites applications for small (under US$20 thousand) and large grants in support of biodiversity conservation in the tropical Andes. The current call focuses on conservation in the biological corridor connecting Madidi,Pilón Lajas, and Cotapata in Bolivia.  Eligibility for grants extends to local communities, indigenous peoples groups, and other civil society organizations. The deadline for letters of inquiry (English, Spanish) is 25 October 2016. Link

The CEPF invites applications for small (under US$20 thousand) and large grants in support of biodiversity conservation in the tropical Andes. The current call focuses on conservation in the biological corridor connecting Madidi,Pilón Lajas, and Cotapata in Bolivia.  Eligibility for grants extends to local communities, indigenous peoples groups, and other civil society organizations. The deadline for letters of inquiry (English, Spanish) is 25 October 2016. Link