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West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use — Small Research Grants on Climate Change in West Africa

WASCAL supports research to address the severe challenges posed by climate change in West Africa. WASCAL currently calls for proposals in “Building Local Capacity for Policy-Oriented Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in West Africa (BLOC).” BLOC will make small research grants of between €5 thousand to €10 thousand. To be eligible for consideration, research proposals must focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation in West Africa in any of the thematic areas of biodiversity, agriculture, adapted land use, climate systems, education, health, human security, economics, and energy. Priority is given to research teams led by young researchers pursuing a career in government ministries, research, and/or teaching at a public institution in West Africa. Team work and cross-country research proposals are encouraged. The application deadline is 31 October 2016. Link

WASCAL supports research to address the severe challenges posed by climate change in West Africa. WASCAL currently calls for proposals in “Building Local Capacity for Policy-Oriented Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in West Africa (BLOC).” BLOC will make small research grants of between €5 thousand to €10 thousand. To be eligible for consideration, research proposals must focus on climate change adaptation and mitigation in West Africa in any of the thematic areas of biodiversity, agriculture, adapted land use, climate systems, education, health, human security, economics, and energy. Priority is given to research teams led by young researchers pursuing a career in government ministries, research, and/or teaching at a public institution in West Africa. Team work and cross-country research proposals are encouraged. The application deadline is 31 October 2016. Link