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Olam — Prize for Food Security 2017

The Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security honors and offers financial support to an outstanding research project for its potential impact on the availability, affordability, accessibility, or adequacy of food.  Olam invites applications from research projects in plant science, soil science, nutritional science, agricultural sciences, and any other field of scientific research impacting food security, focused on any part of the agricultural supply chain. The winning research project will receive US$50 thousand in unrestricted funding to support further development of the research project. The deadline for applications is 17 January 2017. Link

The Olam Prize for Innovation in Food Security honors and offers financial support to an outstanding research project for its potential impact on the availability, affordability, accessibility, or adequacy of food.  Olam invites applications from research projects in plant science, soil science, nutritional science, agricultural sciences, and any other field of scientific research impacting food security, focused on any part of the agricultural supply chain. The winning research project will receive US$50 thousand in unrestricted funding to support further development of the research project. The deadline for applications is 17 January 2017. Link