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Eurasia Foundation — Professional Exchanges, Russia and USA

The U.S.-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE program) is a network of Russian and US professionals and entrepreneurs who exchange ideas and best practices leading to joint action and positive change in the social dimensions of both countries. SEE currently invites applications from Independent Professionals who will travel to an organization in the host country for one to two weeks in March-April 2017 to conduct activities related to their proposed project. Among the many themes is one on the protection of flora and fauna, and the promotion of animal welfare. The deadline for applications (English, Russian) is 28 November 2016 (29 November in Russia).

The U.S.-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE program) is a network of Russian and US professionals and entrepreneurs who exchange ideas and best practices leading to joint action and positive change in the social dimensions of both countries. SEE currently invites applications from Independent Professionals who will travel to an organization in the host country for one to two weeks in March-April 2017 to conduct activities related to their proposed project. Among the many themes is one on the protection of flora and fauna, and the promotion of animal welfare. The deadline for applications (English, Russian) is 28 November 2016 (29 November in Russia).