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Congressional Hunger Center — Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows Program 2017-2019

The Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows Program is a two-year international fellowship to develop leaders committed to finding lasting solutions to hunger and poverty. Leland Fellows must be U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents. The fellowship provides the financial support for one year of international service, followed by another year of policy work. Fellows are placed with international and local NGOs, U.S. government agencies, multi-lateral organizations, and private sector entities. These host organizations are responsible for providing meaningful work and supervision to the fellow. The application deadline for the 9th Class (2017-2019) is 11 January 2017.

The Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows Program is a two-year international fellowship to develop leaders committed to finding lasting solutions to hunger and poverty. Leland Fellows must be U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents. The fellowship provides the financial support for one year of international service, followed by another year of policy work. Fellows are placed with international and local NGOs, U.S. government agencies, multi-lateral organizations, and private sector entities. These host organizations are responsible for providing meaningful work and supervision to the fellow. The application deadline for the 9th Class (2017-2019) is 11 January 2017.