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Smithsonian Institution — Post-Doctoral Research with the Smithsonian Marine Global Earth Observatory

The Smithsonian’s Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network invites proposals for postdoctoral fellowships that will advance the goals of the Marine Global Earth Observatory (MarineGEO). MarineGEO focuses on global-scale, long-term study of coastal biodiversity and ecosystems. Current sites in the network are located in the USA, Belize, and Panama. Postdoctoral scientists must collaborate directly with two or more Smithsonian scientists as named sponsors. The deadline for submissions is 15 December 2016. Link

The Smithsonian’s Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network invites proposals for postdoctoral fellowships that will advance the goals of the Marine Global Earth Observatory (MarineGEO). MarineGEO focuses on global-scale, long-term study of coastal biodiversity and ecosystems. Current sites in the network are located in the USA, Belize, and Panama. Postdoctoral scientists must collaborate directly with two or more Smithsonian scientists as named sponsors. The deadline for submissions is 15 December 2016. Link