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Apply Now for the Switzerland Summer school (2017) on Designing Food Value Chains

The existing food system is not in a position to feed the world’s population without depleting the world natural resources. It's time to design food value chains that are capable of managing worldwide nutrition in a sustainable and fair way for all humans to benefit from. 

Organized by ZHAW and FiBL, the Summer School 2017 in Switzerland is inviting applicants to submit their interest in designing food value chains that make sense.

The existing food system is not in a position to feed the world’s population without depleting the world natural resources. It's time to design food value chains that are capable of managing worldwide nutrition in a sustainable and fair way for all humans to benefit from. 

Organized by ZHAW and FiBL, the Summer School 2017 in Switzerland is inviting applicants to submit their interest in designing food value chains that make sense.