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International Conservation Fund of Canada — Partnerships in Tropical Conservation

The International Conservation Fund of Canada (ICFC) works to conserve nature in the tropics and other priority areas worldwide. ICFC does not offer grants or donations. However, it invites proposals for conservation projects, either at the idea stage or as developed proposals. ICFC generally works with local partner NGOs, who carry out project activities through an agency agreement. Additionally, ICFC sometimes collaborates with peer international conservation organizations, especially on land acquisitions. Potential partners should consult ICFC’s eligibility checklist. Inquiries can be submitted at any time.  Link

The International Conservation Fund of Canada (ICFC) works to conserve nature in the tropics and other priority areas worldwide. ICFC does not offer grants or donations. However, it invites proposals for conservation projects, either at the idea stage or as developed proposals. ICFC generally works with local partner NGOs, who carry out project activities through an agency agreement. Additionally, ICFC sometimes collaborates with peer international conservation organizations, especially on land acquisitions. Potential partners should consult ICFC’s eligibility checklist. Inquiries can be submitted at any time.  Link