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KR Foundation — Reducing Fossil Fuels

The KR Foundation makes grants for environmental communications and advocacy, with a special focus on reducing investment and consumption of fossil fuels. The Foundation aims to persuade investors to divest from fossil fuel industries that deepen the climate crisis, and to invest instead in climate solutions. In parallel with divest-invest, the KR Foundation supports measures that eliminate subsidies for fossil fuels. Grants are to charitable nonprofit organizations. The amount of funding per project typically ranges from DKK 0.5 million to DKK 5 million for projects of up to approximately three years. The next deadline for letters of inquiry is 19 January 2017. Link

The KR Foundation makes grants for environmental communications and advocacy, with a special focus on reducing investment and consumption of fossil fuels. The Foundation aims to persuade investors to divest from fossil fuel industries that deepen the climate crisis, and to invest instead in climate solutions. In parallel with divest-invest, the KR Foundation supports measures that eliminate subsidies for fossil fuels. Grants are to charitable nonprofit organizations. The amount of funding per project typically ranges from DKK 0.5 million to DKK 5 million for projects of up to approximately three years. The next deadline for letters of inquiry is 19 January 2017. Link