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Applications Now Open for the 2017 International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth.

Every other year, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture organises the International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth.

It has been taking place for over fifty years in Herrsching on Lake Ammersee in southern Germany. Leaders from all over the world were to be given many different forms of support and provided with ideas for the further development and strengthening of rural youth work.

Every other year, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture organises the International Leadership Workshop for Rural Youth.

It has been taking place for over fifty years in Herrsching on Lake Ammersee in southern Germany. Leaders from all over the world were to be given many different forms of support and provided with ideas for the further development and strengthening of rural youth work.

The Objectives

Current and future rural youth work leaders will gain qualifications for their local, regional and supraregional tasks with new, modern contents and methods. Skills will be conveyed to the participants so that they can help young people in rural areas to improve their living conditions.

They will be inspired to take on responsibility for the sustainable development in their region and learn to plan, organise and conduct their own activities and campaigns to suit their requirements.

Through the international exchange of experiences and build-up of a network of experts during the workshop, the participants are given important impulses for rural youth work in their home countries. In this way, experiences and knowledge can be shared even after the workshop has ended.

The Programme

Skills and education are the key to the future of agriculture and rural areas. The international workshop conveys modern strategies for education and project work to participants, based on practice-related examples.

The first part of the workshop deals with conveying and developing leadership skills. These include communication and cooperation, but also motivation, group dynamics and conflict management, as well as presentation and moderation skills.

The second part focuses experiences available to global challenges, local solutions and implementation strategies. Using current examples, various methods for empowering young people are discussed.A most valuable and productive tool is moderated exchange of experience. The participants’ competencies and experiences are effectively used in the sense of an experts’ dialogue in order to develop practical solutions.

The third part the workshop deals with the evaluation of results achieved during the workshop and contents of the workshop.Technical excursions and guided tours round off and complement the topics discussed in the workshop.

Language Skills needed

Very good, active language skills in at least one of the three conference languages (German, English, French) are essential. The Participants must be able to deliver speeches, present results and lead discussions in the chosen language. Knowledge of a second conference language is desirable for better exchange of ideas


? The workshop is aimed at present and future leaders and multipliers in responsible positions who are involved in youth work and education in rural areas. ? Participants should be between 21 and 45 years old. The workshop is not an observer event. Your active input is necessary for learning in language groups.

The participation fee for the workshop is 600 Euro per person.There are no additional costs for accommodation, meals, working documents or excursions listed in the programme.Travel costs to and from the workshop are not included in the fee. They must be paid by the participants themselves or by their organisa- tions/ employers. Under certain conditions financial assistance may be provided. Financial assistance may be requested for the participation fee and/or travel.


Please return the registration form to the workshop secretariat by 01 February 2017. Early registration is recommended due to the limited number of spaces. Visit the link to register. 

The address is as follows

Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Referat 323 – Sekretariat des Seminars D-53168 Bonn

Tel.: +49 (0)228 6845-3807 or -3920 Fax: +49 (0)228 6845-3029

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.