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European Commission — Reducing Climate Vulnerability in São Tomé and Principe

The EC announces grants to address climate vulnerability in São Tomé and Principe. The program will work to provide tangible benefits for the vulnerable communities of Lembá and Mé-Zóchi in matters of water supply, rural energy, agricultural diversification, soils management, and forest management. Principal applicants for funding should be NGOs eligible under the EC’s rules for external actions. The planned allocations are €750 thousand for Lembá and €750 thousand for Mé-Zóchi. Reference EuropeAid/138523/ID/ACT/ST. The application deadline is 16 February 2017. Link

The EC announces grants to address climate vulnerability in São Tomé and Principe. The program will work to provide tangible benefits for the vulnerable communities of Lembá and Mé-Zóchi in matters of water supply, rural energy, agricultural diversification, soils management, and forest management. Principal applicants for funding should be NGOs eligible under the EC’s rules for external actions. The planned allocations are €750 thousand for Lembá and €750 thousand for Mé-Zóchi. Reference EuropeAid/138523/ID/ACT/ST. The application deadline is 16 February 2017. Link