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UK Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs — Darwin Scoping Projects, Round 23

The Darwin Initiative funds capacity building, training, research, and education in support of the major conventions on biodiversity — focusing on the developing world. The program currently invites applications for scoping projects, which are up to £5 thousand. Scoping projects cover travel and accommodations for up to two persons in support of meeting potential partners to co-develop proposals for larger (main) projects in eligible developing countries. There are no restrictions on the location or nationality of applicants, but projects must benefit biodiversity and local communities in developing countries. The application deadline is 19 December 2016. Link

The Darwin Initiative funds capacity building, training, research, and education in support of the major conventions on biodiversity — focusing on the developing world. The program currently invites applications for scoping projects, which are up to £5 thousand. Scoping projects cover travel and accommodations for up to two persons in support of meeting potential partners to co-develop proposals for larger (main) projects in eligible developing countries. There are no restrictions on the location or nationality of applicants, but projects must benefit biodiversity and local communities in developing countries. The application deadline is 19 December 2016. Link