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Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme

These scholarships are intended for students from developing countries who would not otherwise be able to afford to undertake Master’s level study in the UK, to gain skills and knowledge which will allow them to contribute to the development of their home countries.

The Taught Masters courses offered for the academic year 2017/18 by the University of Warwick in partnership with the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission are the following 10 courses only :

What is it?

These scholarships are intended for students from developing countries who would not otherwise be able to afford to undertake Master’s level study in the UK, to gain skills and knowledge which will allow them to contribute to the development of their home countries.

The Taught Masters courses offered for the academic year 2017/18 by the University of Warwick in partnership with the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission are the following 10 courses only :

MSc in Healthcare Operational Management - Warwick Manufacturing Group
MSc in Economics and International Financial Economics - Economics
MA in Global and Comparative History - History
LLM in International Development Law and Human Rights - School of Law
MSc in Biotechnology, Bioprocessing and Business Management - School of Life Sciences
MSc in Food Security - School of Life Sciences
MSc in Sustainable Crop Development; Agronomy for the 21st Century - School of Life Sciences
MA in Gender and International Development - Sociology
MA in International Development - Politics and International Studies
MA in International Political Economy - Politics and International Studies

What's it worth?

The Scholarships cover full tuition fees, offer a generous stipend, provide airfare to the UK and return home and an allowance for warm clothing.


The Scholarships are open to all citizens of Commonwealth Countries. There are a number of specific criteria that must be met by students in order to be eligible to apply for these scholarships. Details can be found on the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission's webpages on this link: CSC

How to Apply and the Deadline for receipt of applications

In addition to the University's own online study application, applicants must submit a funding application via the Commission’s electronic application system by 16th March 2017. No late applications will be considered.