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Colorado State University — Planning and Managing Tourism in Protected Areas 2017

Colorado State University (CSU) offers an annual mobile seminar in the western USA for individuals engaged in tourism and outdoor recreation in protected areas. The next seminar is scheduled for September 2017. Participants in the seminar are a mix of professionals from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and other world regions. Ideal participants will be mid-level professional and technical personnel who work for governmental or NGO conservation and tourism organizations; in academia; in the private sector; and in community-based and indigenous tourism and conservation initiatives in or near protected areas. CSU does not offer fellowships or scholarships for the seminar. However, it posts guidelines on where and how to search for potential funding support. The deadline for applications is 15 May 2017. Link

Colorado State University (CSU) offers an annual mobile seminar in the western USA for individuals engaged in tourism and outdoor recreation in protected areas. The next seminar is scheduled for September 2017. Participants in the seminar are a mix of professionals from Latin America, Africa, Asia, and other world regions. Ideal participants will be mid-level professional and technical personnel who work for governmental or NGO conservation and tourism organizations; in academia; in the private sector; and in community-based and indigenous tourism and conservation initiatives in or near protected areas. CSU does not offer fellowships or scholarships for the seminar. However, it posts guidelines on where and how to search for potential funding support. The deadline for applications is 15 May 2017. Link