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Colorado State University — Training in Protected Areas Management 2017

Colorado State University, in collaboration with partner organizations in the USA, announces its annual one-month course in protected areas management to be held July-August 2017 in the western USA.  Participants are invited from Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries, with emphasis on participants from Latin America.  The course will be given in Spanish. The university does not offer scholarships for the course, but it suggests where to look for funding support. Applications are due by 31 January 2017. Link

Colorado State University, in collaboration with partner organizations in the USA, announces its annual one-month course in protected areas management to be held July-August 2017 in the western USA.  Participants are invited from Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries, with emphasis on participants from Latin America.  The course will be given in Spanish. The university does not offer scholarships for the course, but it suggests where to look for funding support. Applications are due by 31 January 2017. Link