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Parrot Sequoia — Parrot Climate Innovation Grant

The Parrot/Pix4D Climate Innovation Grant consists of hardware and software for field research to foster innovation in understanding and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Proposals should include a geographical/mapping dimension using UAVs and Pix4D photogrammetric software, as well as multi-spectral imagery related to the technical capabilities of the Parrot Sequoia camera.  Proposals are invited from anywhere in the world.  The deadline to apply is 01 February 2017. Link

The Parrot/Pix4D Climate Innovation Grant consists of hardware and software for field research to foster innovation in understanding and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Proposals should include a geographical/mapping dimension using UAVs and Pix4D photogrammetric software, as well as multi-spectral imagery related to the technical capabilities of the Parrot Sequoia camera.  Proposals are invited from anywhere in the world.  The deadline to apply is 01 February 2017. Link