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American Museum of Natural History — Research Grants 2017

The American Museum of Natural History sponsors a number of research grants and student exchange fellowships.  Unless otherwise noted, there are no restrictions by nationality or country of residence. The Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants support early-career researchers for research in any phase of wildlife conservation or related fields of North American fauna, defined as fauna north of the Isthmus of Panama, including the Caribbean. The Lerner-Gray grants support research in marine biology at the museum in New York, or in the field. The Collection Study Grants enable early-career research scientists to study scientific collections at the museum in New York. The application deadline for Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants is 15 February 2017; the deadline for Lerner-Gray Grants is 15 March 2017; the deadline for Collection Study Grants is 01 May 2017. Link

The American Museum of Natural History sponsors a number of research grants and student exchange fellowships.  Unless otherwise noted, there are no restrictions by nationality or country of residence. The Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants support early-career researchers for research in any phase of wildlife conservation or related fields of North American fauna, defined as fauna north of the Isthmus of Panama, including the Caribbean. The Lerner-Gray grants support research in marine biology at the museum in New York, or in the field. The Collection Study Grants enable early-career research scientists to study scientific collections at the museum in New York. The application deadline for Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grants is 15 February 2017; the deadline for Lerner-Gray Grants is 15 March 2017; the deadline for Collection Study Grants is 01 May 2017. Link