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European Commission — Agricultural Strengthening in South Sudan

The EC announces funding to improve food security and income in South Sudan, focusing on sustainable supply of agriculture and livestock inputs and services through the private sector. This call for proposals is part of the first and second component of the ZEAT-BEAD Program (“Zonal Effort for Agricultural Transformation – Bahal Gazar Effort for Agricultural Development”). Grants up to a maximum of €3 million will be allocated in four lots according to geographical regions. The lead applicant should be a nonprofit NGO based in the EU, the European Economic Area, an ACP State, a least-developed country, or a member country of OECD/DAC. Participation with co-applicants of South Sudanese nationality is strongly encouraged. Reference EuropeAid/153933/DD/ACT/SS. The deadline for concept notes is 16 February 2017. Link

The EC announces funding to improve food security and income in South Sudan, focusing on sustainable supply of agriculture and livestock inputs and services through the private sector. This call for proposals is part of the first and second component of the ZEAT-BEAD Program (“Zonal Effort for Agricultural Transformation – Bahal Gazar Effort for Agricultural Development”). Grants up to a maximum of €3 million will be allocated in four lots according to geographical regions. The lead applicant should be a nonprofit NGO based in the EU, the European Economic Area, an ACP State, a least-developed country, or a member country of OECD/DAC. Participation with co-applicants of South Sudanese nationality is strongly encouraged. Reference EuropeAid/153933/DD/ACT/SS. The deadline for concept notes is 16 February 2017. Link