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Rainforest Trust — Creating New Protected Areas

The Rainforest Trust invites applications for projects to create new protected areas, with priority for sites in the tropics. Applications are invited from NGOs based in the countries of the proposed protected areas. Applicants need to provide recent verifiable evidence supporting the presence of species assessed as endangered or critically endangered on IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species. They also need endorsement from local environmental agencies, government officials, and especially communities. Application deadlines are 01 April, 01 August, and 01 December of each year. 

The Rainforest Trust invites applications for projects to create new protected areas, with priority for sites in the tropics. Applications are invited from NGOs based in the countries of the proposed protected areas. Applicants need to provide recent verifiable evidence supporting the presence of species assessed as endangered or critically endangered on IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species. They also need endorsement from local environmental agencies, government officials, and especially communities. Application deadlines are 01 April, 01 August, and 01 December of each year.